Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Steel Dreams....

This past weekend was the mecca of the fall for me. Steelhead. That's enough said. It's amazing how this little 6 pound organism can make a person drive 400 miles, spend hundreds of dollars and get no sleep, just to catch it. Blows my mind. But as soon as I hook up with one, I remember why I lost all that sleep, drove all that way, and spent all the money. Pound for pound, it is by far the hardest fighting fish in the lower 48. Words cannot describe the excitement I feel whenever I hook one and it makes that 100 yard long run, never looking back. The trip up started on a Thursday night at midnight. We(Eric, Corey, Myself) made the trek up and arrived on Walnut creek at daylight on Friday. We fished all day and didn't catch a fish. The rain set in around midday and it was about pointless to fish due to the muddy water, leaves, and debris floating around. Saturday we fished 20 mile creek and the bite was awesome! We had a blast and caught a bunch. Eric caught his first steelhead ever. I caught my first steelhead on the fly rod which was a feat for me. Saturday consisted of deer steaks, fresh steelhead fillets, and much needed sleep, all of which were emaculate. Sunday started with us fishing Elk Creek. The morning bite was on fire. It was insane. We caught a few and then after a good day on the water, we decided to head on home. It was a long trip back that ended with me spending the night beside I-79 because I couldn't make it from Big Otter(exit 40) to Charleston without falling asleep behind the wheel. Haha. All in all it was a great trip and looking forward to going back in November.

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